Mental Health &
Compassion Fatigue
We know what an exhausting and thankless job each one of you has. While we don't have all the answers, we are actively working and researching information that can help progress this industry forward in taking care of the people that take care of the animals.
This survey is the first step to gather as much information as possible to be able to create some data to present to industry leaders with the focus on the root causes of compassion fatigue and the role management plays in either recognizing, addressing, or sometimes worsening the effects of compassion fatigue.
Your participation will help shape the knowledge industry leaders have when it comes to the role they play in creating a supportive and healthy environment for their staff.
This survey is completely anonymous and no names, emails, or other information will be gathered or used in this study, unless you choose to provide that information in the questionaire. When answering the questions, please be as honest and thorough as possible. Should you want to contact us for any help, resources, or additional information, please don't hesitate!
Thank you so much for your help!