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Public Education:

Successfully Reaching your Community


As Animal Welfare Professionals, we all face the public and wish they just knew more. This class will focus on Animal Welfare Professionals reaching out to the members of their community to teach a variety of classes. The objective of this class is to learn how to improve communication with the public as well expanding general animal knowledge into the community.

The programs covered in this class will include how to host urban wildlife classes, new pet ownership classes, offender programs, children’s programs, and parks and recreation classes. Attendees will be taught how to understand which information is needed for each class being developed. We will discuss how to tailor each program for the age and professional level of your audience. We will also teach ways to make your program appeal to members of the public, DA/CA, schools, and inner departments. Included in this class will be ideas to help overcome fear of public speaking with practical exercise.

Public outreach and education is crucial in improving citizen understanding.  Not only for our jobs, but also to raise awareness of the issues our communities faces on a regular basis. We must look beyond just caring for animals.  We must also ensure the citizens of our communities are educated to help take care of the animals for a peaceful coexistence.

DSHS qualified for 4 hours CEU


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